
Participate & Support

How can I participate or support biotop?

How can I participate?


Regular Programme

Stay informed about our regular programme encompassing talks, evening events and meet-and-greets, by visiting the events section of our site.


Never before has it been easier to playfully engage in research. At the same time, science is primarily a process, most accessible if one engages in the scientific method. Bringing the two together, we plan to offer workshops addressed at a variety of focus groups, such as school kids and interested members of the public, on a regular basis that provide a barrier-free and playful approach to complex and relevant scientific problems.

As soon as we have set up a suitable space, we will announce public workshops in the events section of our site.

Moreover, we would like to offer tailor-made workshops for schools and other organisations. Do get in touch with us via email, should you be interested!

Project Partnerships

You have an idea, yet you like scientific know-how or a suitable lab-space to bring it to fruition? You’ve identified a problem in your every-day life and would like to talk about strategies to solve it? Do get in touch with us via email, and we will happily support you in the development.



You want to make cutting-edge research accessible to a broader audience, write about miraculous microscopic worlds, or drop a couple of lines about wondrous scientific discoveries and their eccentric uncoverers? - We want to give you a platform to do just that and an instil this website with life!


Our aim is to make our content available in as many languages as possible, to reach a wider audience with our articles, projects and course materials. To do this, we need the help of motivated and competent people, who help us with translations.

Should you be interested in contributing your translational skills or thoughts in the form of online-content, do get in touch with us via email.


We want to keep our website ad-free, yet we believe that you should be able as user of this website to support creators of content directly. Therefore, we support the micropayment system flattr which allows you to send little donations directly to the content-creators. To do so, click on the little icon at the bottom of posts.

Private Sponsors

We’re currently looking for sponsors and sources of funding to fund research projects and setup a space in Villach/Austria. In this process we intend to draw on public funding opportunities, as well as private sponsors, who share our vision and want to support us out of idealism.

Should you be interested in becoming a sponsor, do get in touch with us via email.

Equipment Sponsors

In setting up a reasearch lab, the acquisition of lab-equipment is a major contributor to costs. Since these acquisitions are directly linked to the site in Villach, and enable us to offer workshops and open our lab as a fablab, we want to offer sponsorhips linked to individual pieces of equipment as attractive and transparent funding opportunity, especially for local supporters, who will be acknowledged with a plaque locally, as well as online.

Should you be interested in becoming a sponsor, do get in touch with us via email.

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