Andreas Körner

Co-founder | Architect

Andreas is an architectural designer, researcher and teacher. He has studied at TU Vienna, die Angewandte and UCL. After graduating from the Bartlett School of Architecture, he has joined the platform Biophile and taught at Oxford Brookes University while working in practice in London. Andreas has been involved with GrAB at the IoA in Vienna and is collaborating with Max:R+I and others in the field of environmental digital design in architecture. His research covers: Integration of CFD in architectural design processes, communication of invisible factors in thermal comfort for spatial experiences and new forms of sustainable ornament. Andreas’ work has a strong focus on digital design and fabrication. As part of his PhD research, Andreas is currently working at the Institute of Experimental Architecture at the University of Innsbruck.

containerlab: Architectural Advisor
exhibitions: Content Creation

Articles by Andreas Körner

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